Offset Base Printing Ink

Offset Base Printing Ink

Product Details:


Offset Base Printing Ink Price And Quantity

  • INR

Offset Base Printing Ink Trade Information

  • Cash in Advance (CID)
  • Delhi

Product Description

Customers extensively use this Offset Base Printing Ink for offset base printing on the substrates with scuffing and fading resistant prints. This ink offers temperature stability, good shelf life and excellent adhesion properties. The lid on each container of this ink is tightly sealed from all sides to prevent the entry of contaminants, which can degrade its quality. Our provided ink is compatible with inkjet and offset printers in order to perform lithography and letterpress printing. It is processed using precise chemical composition by incorporating hi-tech machinery. We deliver this Offset Base Printing Ink in different colors and quantities to ensure safe handling and storage.


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